California Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez in Oatman, AZ on April, 25, 2014 for the Laughlin River Run Motorcycle Rally
This year the Laughlin River run was held on April 23 through April 27, 2014, in Laughlin Nevada. I have been to this rally so many times, I don’t remember the exact number of times I have been there.
I love going to the Laughlin River run, because starting in April, this rally marks the beginning of the official motorcycle rally season each year.
It’s not a big rally compared to Sturgis or Daytona Biker Week, but it is a decent size rally. There’s nothing like going to a place like Laughlin, Nevada with tens of thousands of other bikers, running around, and having a good time.
This year I prepaid for a camping space at the Riverside RV resort, in Laughlin Nevada, which is part of the Riverside casino and directly across the street. Last year I stayed in an RV Park in Bullhead City, Arizona.
My plan this year was to take my 35 foot class A motorhome, hook up my motorcycle trailer, put my Harley-Davidson in the trailer, and drive to Laughlin and campout for the rally. That is exactly what I did. Although my plan was to leave on April 23, 2014, I ended up leaving on April 24, 2014.

California Motorcycle Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez in the middle, with some friends to the left and right
The ride to Laughlin in my motorhome was uneventful. Because I left late, I ended up getting to Laughlin in the late afternoon of April 24, 2014. I set up my camp, got the motorcycle out, and took a ride around town.
As usual, there was excitement in the air. There is nothing like the very beginning of a motorcycle rally, especially when the motorcycle rally is the first one of the year. There were thousands of bikers from all the Western states present. Although most of the bikers were from California, there are many from a lot of other states.
This year I knew that some of my friends were to be at the rally, and I looked forward to meeting them there.
As usual, there were motorcycle vendors at every casino on the Laughlin strip, and there were biker bars set up and down the strip as well. The most famous one was the Hogs and Heifers.
There were bands playing, girls dancing, bikers walking up and down the street, and your ubiquitous thousands of bikers riding up and down the street. Another great time.
After riding around a bit, I found a place to park motorcycle, and proceeded to check out some of the bands up and down the strip. Since it was, late, I figured I would wait until the next day to call my friends.
The next day I hooked up with my friends, and spent my time running all over the place. We rode the Oatman, Arizona, and basically did the grand tour.
On Saturday night, we had front row seats to a band called Great White.
Overall the Laughlin motorcycle rally to be quite frank is the same every year. It is truly exciting and inspiring, to see so many motorcycles all in the same place. It’s excellent running down the road with hundreds, and thousands of other motorcyclists.
As a biker lawyer, and motorcycle accident lawyer, I have noticed over the last few years that a certain so-called association of motorcycle lawyers’ organization has ads, and banners plastered all over the motorcycle rallies. I’m not going to mention them by name, but I’m sure everybody who has been to the rallies knows who I am talking about.
It really makes me sick to my stomach seeing other so-called motorcycle lawyers trying to drum up business at a place where everybody’s having a good time.
I talked to this so-called association of lawyers a few years back. They told me if I paid a yearly fee I too could be one of their so-called (lion lawyers). The name of the animal has been changed to protect it J
I do not need to plaster banners and advertisements all over motorcycle rallies to prove that I am a real biker lawyer and motorcycle accident attorney. You can read this blog and see for yourself I am the real deal.
I know that the rally organizers are just collecting cash from these people so I am sure we will continue to see these advertisements all over the rallies. However, if you want a real biker lawyer, or a real motorcycle accident attorney who is an expert in the field, and rides like you do, give me a call.
I just had to mention this phenomenon, because it makes me sick to my stomach.
On the last day of the rally my friends took off on Sunday, and I had an itch to ride some more. I rode to Oatman, Arizona again, took the Arizona scenic highway to Lake Havasu City, and I rode the back route to Laughlin.
Sunday night at the rally, it was all basically over. I went to the Riverside casino and the remnants of the people that were left were pathetic. I may re-think my practice of staying extra days at motorcycle rallies, after the rallies are over.
I left for home on Monday, April 20, 2014.
As usual, I had a fantastic time at the Laughlin 2014 motorcycle rally. I am sure I will see you all again there next year.
By California motorcycle accident attorney, and biker lawyer, Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © June 4, 2014.