Ramblings from a California Biker Lawyer……

California Biker Lawyer Norman Gregory FernandezMany of you may have noticed a significant decrease in the articles I have been writing on the Biker Law Blog lately. This is due to many factors; work, motorcycle riding season, and other circumstances beyond my control. The reality is that my work has kind of really taken over my life.

I have had a brand new Harley Davidson King Tour Pak for my Electra Glide, with all of the goodies for it sitting in my garage for about a month, and I have not had a chance to install it. That is how busy I have been.

I am hoping to do the cross country motorcycle run that my fiancé and I have been planning in August; we will see. My doctor has actually ordered me to take a vacation. That is how busy I have been. I actually have a prescription for a vacation sitting here in front of me as I write this article. I was also planning a motorcycle run up to Yosemite, through the Tioga Pass, and then up to Reno and Lake Tahoe in the next few weeks, but Lake Tahoe just burned to a crisp. This particular run is probably one of the best runs in the world and is my personal favorite of all time. I may still do the run we will see.

Have any of you actually sat down and actually tried to write an article? It takes time to write a quality article that people want to read! Unlike many other Blogs out there, I actually write my own articles, rather than just post links to other peoples articles. I must admit that there are posts in the Biker Law Blog that reference other articles or links; however, 99.9% of the articles on the Biker Law Blog are written by me, a humble California Biker Lawyer. I do what I do because I want to make a contribution to the motorcycle community throughout the world in whatever way I can. The Biker Law Blog is about quality and not quantity.

The Biker Law Blog gets thousands of hits a week from all over the world. I hereby promise my readers that I will make an effort to write more good material subject to my busy calendar and free time.

This spring and summer has truly started out in a very bad way for bikers and motorcyclist throughout the United States and the World. The carnage that is being reported to me by my new motorcycle accident clients and by my sources is the worst I have ever seen as a Biker and as a Lawyer. The number of deaths that are happening on the roads due to motorcycle accidents right now is unprecedented and truly makes me sick to my stomach. I keep asking myself; what can I do? My answer is to write articles on motorcycle safety; I am a moderator for the National Agenda on Motorcycle Safety, which is sponsored by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, and I may give some continuing legal education classes to other lawyers this summer. I am going to try to make it to Sturgis this summer with my club, and to meet with other biker lawyers while I am there; we will see.

For me it is a double edged sword; I ride motorcycles just like my clients, and I am subject to the same dangers as my clients because I ride motorcycles. I write articles on motorcycle safety because it just makes me sick seeing the aftermath of motorcycle accidents. On the law end, I kick ass for my clients, but in the end, I would rather not see them messed up the way they are. That is my double edged sword. That is why I have not been able to write as many articles lately, I am busy helping my clients.

Even though I am super busy, I did manage to design a new legal directory called LawNosh which you can check out by clicking here. The directory allows lawyers, attorneys, and law firms from every state in the nation, and all over the world to submit free links to their websites, Blogs, and to Courts in every State so that consumers and people in need of a lawyer can find one with no hassles, and consumers can read some of the great legal Blogs that are out there. The directory is very new so that are not many links yet, but I am sure my fellow lawyers will populate it soon!

So here I am a humble California Biker Lawyer writing a rambling article so that my readers will understand what is going on with me right now.

I do have a major article planned that will also be released to the media via a press release regarding insurance companies defrauding consumers. I will hopefully publish the article in the next couple of days. Just thinking about the mega insurance companies defrauding consumers and not paying valid claims really pisses me off.

With that being said, I will end this rambling article with the following biker creed; “Keep Both Wheels on The Road!”

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2007

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  1. Ronn

    Greg – I agree that writing a post for a blog on a consistent basis is a lot more time consuming than most people realize. It is even difficult for me to sometimes make a daily post even when I am just trying to find something to link to and make a simple comment on, much less write a fully original post.

    Take care of yourself and go on a vacation. I would be willing to be that your will most certainly remember the vacation 10, 20, even 30 years down the line. But you probably won’t (or don’t even) remember what you did at work last month.

    If you cross-country travels take you through or near West Texas, let me know. I would be more than happy to meet up with you for a ride!

  2. Sandie[Member}

    You do a wonderful job on your blog. Take a vacation and enjoy it. Life is short and a lot o us are on the downside of our life. “ENJOY”…..lets spend most of what we make as we can’t take it to the grave. It doesn’t pay to follow the doctors advice…after all that is what we pay the doc the big bucks!!!

  3. Dave

    Norm, you blog is my favorite. Excellent quality. And that takes time and thought. Dont know how you manage to run a buisness as well!!!!…..really like safety topics, would like to see one on cell phones in cages….almost got taken out by one changing lanes yesterday. Seems like everytime I see a cager driving dangerously they are yapping on a cell phone. Expect you to have this posted by monday:)…ha,ha!!….. The beaches here in Hawaii await you. Davex

  4. Biker Betty

    You write excellent articles. I agree, it does take time to write and post. It can be very time consuming. My posts have slowed down with recent work and summer fun. It’s hard to balance the two and blog also. Listen to the doctor and get on the road and go!!! Enjoy and take care.

  5. Anonymous

    Yearsterday saw c crash with dead ending,,, dahmed it’s not pleasent be when women is dying

  6. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Thanks Ronn.

    I am going to take the doctors advice. This are his exact words; “You cannot take your money to the grave.” Life is too short to work as hard as I am working right now. I am going to start changing things around a bit and pass of some of the work to my associates. My problem is I do not like to delegate. I like things done right!

    With respect to writing a Blog, well you know……..


  7. Norman Gregory Fernandez

    Thanks Dave I appreciate the fine words. I have a ton of articles to write, cell phones in cages will be one of them!

    I hear Hawaii calling me…….. problem is that I would surf rather than ride!



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