Hello all. I just wanted to bring you all up to date on the state of the Biker Law Blog. First off, I am using a great programmer named Scott to do the customization of my Blog. You can see his website here. I always give credit where credit is due! I write the articles and he customizes. You will also see a link to Scott on the bottom credits header at the very bottom of every page.
The Biker Law Blog is going to be going through some massive customization in the next couple of months that will change the look and feel of the site and make it easier for you to navigate to the various articles and such.
With the recent addition of the California Family Law Lawyer Attorney Blog, you are going to start seeing articles by me on California Family Law subjects, as well as the other topics that I write about.
There were some technical bugs on the site related to the server that that have now been resolved. If you want to email me regarding one of my post you can now hit the little email icon next to my name in any post to send me a message through the system regarding that post. You will need to put in the code letters which are there to prevent Spam which a dread to all webmasters if you are not a registered user.
You can also register for the Blog by clicking the register link on the right panel. Just scroll down and click the register button. The system will send you a verification email and once you are verified you will be a level 1 member.
Once you are a registered user you will be able to subscribe to any of the Blogs on this site, and will be notified by email of any new articles in the Blog you subscribe to.
For any of you that want to be guest authors and post articles on the site, you will need to register on the site first, and then send me an email to get started.
You will notice below each post a section for comments. If you want to post a comment to a particular article go for it. All comments are moderated because of Spam. Sorry about that.
So that’s it for now. I would appreciate any and all comments, and/or things that you would like to see or read about on this Blog.