Scene of horrendous motorcycle accident in Arizona.
PHOENIX — Arizona
**** 3-29-10 Update: There was a big turnout of bikers to pay homage to the downed bikers who were killed and injured in the horrible accident. You can see a video by clicking here.
**** 3-27-10 Update: 4th person died in this crash. I have modified the title to reflect this fact. The victims, and the person who caused this crash are also identified. You can read about it, and see a video by clicking here.
**** 3-26-10 Update: Here is a link to another article on this horrible crash and a video. Click Here
A group of eight motorcycles stopped at a red light in north Phoenix were mowed down from behind by a dump truck early Thursday afternoon, killing three riders and injuring six others, at least one critically, authorities said.
The most seriously injured was an off-duty Phoenix Fire Department captain who was in very critical condition Thursday evening, said Phoenix police spokesman Detective James Holmes.
The motorcyclists were stopped behind a pickup and a small SUV at the red light when the truck driver rammed them from behind, he said. The truck ran over the motorcyclists and continued into the small SUV in front of them, Holmes said.
There was no sign the truck driver was impaired.
Some of the motorcycles burst into flames under the dump truck, while others ended up scattered behind the truck. Television images of the crash site showed a horrifying collection of mangled chrome Harley-Davidson bikes and scattered personal belongings, including pairs of riders’ boots laying in the roadway.
“It’s a horrific scene,” Phoenix Fire Deputy Chief Frank Salomon said.
Some of the injured were airlifted to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, Salomon said.
The crash occurred about 1 p.m. at the intersection of 27th Avenue and the Carefree Highway. Holmes said at least one of the victims was a woman, but most were men.
Jarrod Cook, a worker at the nearby Ketzal Mexican Grill, said he saw several motorcycles wedged underneath the garbage truck, which caught fire.
“The first thing we saw was a big puff of smoke when the truck lit on fire,” he said.
Cook said he walked over and witnessed a chaotic scene with some of the injured lying on the ground.
Dozens of police and rescue personnel responded to the crash.
Phoenix Fire Department spokesman Jonathan Jacobs told KNXV-TV that witnesses reported seeing several of the motorcycle riders dragged 50 to 75 yards after impact. The three bikers killed were trapped under the truck, Jacobs said.
The 50-year-old driver of the truck was not injured and was being questioned by police. Those in the pickup and SUV also were not hurt.
The Carefree Highway was expected to be closed for several hours as police investigate the crash.
Although I am a California Motorcycle Accident Attorney and Biker Lawyer, I ride through Arizona all of the time. As a matter of fact, I will be riding through Arizona in a couple of weeks. I am absolutely appalled by this accident.
You tell me how a truck driver could not see 8 motorcycles parked at a red light, let alone the red light itself. Absent some catastrophic equipment failure that can be proven, the truck driver in this accident needs to be taken down by the man for murder or vehicular manslaughter.
This accident is absolutely atrocious and horrible.
California Biker Attorney and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Norman Gregory Fernandez, 2010
i am in total shock and outradged by what i just watched on my tv , i ride to carefree twice a week with my husband on are harley the bikes i just seen i recognized we are geting ready for bike week here and this is really rediculous most of the riders around here are people who have high paying jobs and beautiful homes own there own businesses and i know for a fact there are kids tonight that has to be told there dad or mom or granddad is dead , this could have bin me! i want this moron to be made a example of !!!!!!!!! the poor people god bless them it was a beautiful day out my heart is broken
As a cdl driver/sportbiker
1 no brakes
2 talking on a cellphone
3 speeding/overweight
4 any combination of the above
As a life long biker and a long time resident of Arizona, before moving to florida,I am hart broken and outraged all at the same time. I have riden that rout and know the sites, sounds and the smell of the air of the desert. Most of us who ride love this and love being in the wind on a bike. That is why we do it! it adds quality to our lives. It sickens me to the core when careless idiots we are forced to share the road with take our lives, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers,friends and children from us while in pursuit of happiness. This guy should get the death penalty!!! I wish the worst for him.
My prays go out to the family’s of all those riders, I agree the truck drive should be harshly punished but we all know “Kill a biker get a slap on the hand”
The politicians are all so quick to regulate us tax us but God forbid that they do anything to avenge us.
Absolutely disgusting and angering. Being a cyclist, we experience the same stuff. I’ve said from way back, one of the degrees of murder is appropriate to begin with. If I had my way, the driver if found guilty should suffer the same fate as those he killed, but, this is a PC world.
This is just horrific!! One can only hope that there was some mechanical failure on that dump truck. I hope that this is properly investigated. I Hope the families of the injured and dead get good lawyers. They need a good lawyer.
DOT is always called for a fatality involving a CMV.Legally everytime we have an accident, take 30 days off,and are hired we have a drug test. Not to mention randoms. If it’s an over the road truck requiring a log book and you get in an accident and kill someone and you are running illegally on your hours of service it’s known it is prison time. My local paper said it was a garbage truck.
One was an off duty Fire Capt.
One of the comments said cdl driver was an illegal. Here’s an article driver was fishing for papers.
Dump Truck Driver In Massive Motorcycle Crash “Fishing For Papers” Before Accident
A dump truck driver admitted he was “fishing for papers” when his rig crashed through nine motorcycles this afternoon in Phoenix, killing several riders.
The accident took place near 27th and Carefree Highway in Phoenix. Multiple sources have confirmed earlier reports of a major accident involving multiple bikes in the area. According to the employees of a Walgreens located near the site of the accident, the truck driver plowed through at least nine motorcycle riders who were parked at the intersection waiting for the light. The truck then caught on fire with motorcycles trapped underneath it.
According to one Walgreens employee, the truck driver admitted to bystanders that he was “fishing for papers” when the accident occured. Lifeflight was sent to the scene and the casualty count is unclear, but at least three people and possibly five are dead with many others injured. Another car was said to be involved. [ABC 15]
So freakin’ sad… My heart goes out to the families and friends of these poor souls.
Even if it was a mechanical failure couldn’t the driver swerve right or left?? I mean c’mon!! We’re talkin’ bout’ bikes getting run down not freakin’ cages!
Can you follow this one for us Norm (as if I have to ask) and keep us updated?
Watch your backs brothers and sisters. watch your backs……………..
This guy needs to be arrested,the company put out of business and a long
prison term.Lets wake up the general
public.Slaughter on MC riders must cease
ALLEGEDLY, the driver admitted to a witness that he wasn’t paying attention and was looking at paperwork. Don’t know how true that is but it sure seems that way…
I am a motorcycle safety instructor in Kingman. One thing I stress to my students is – While waiting at a red light, keep looking in your rear view mirror and have an escape route available. I don’t know if that would have helped in this case, but it is good practice. Also always assume that other drivers don’t see you.
Wow, this is so sad. I am perplexed as to how this dump truck driver missed a gang of bikes and a red light? SERIOUSLY WTF was he doing, and how long was he doing it! Not to mention how fast was this guy going???? Every time I am near a biker I al 100% careful. I cant imagine witnessing this. my heart is deeply crushed. R.I.P
Condolences extended to the families who have lost loved ones from us two wheel riders here in Western North Carolina.
You are all in our thoughts, and prayers.
Ride Safe.
I live near the crash site (Carefree Hwy & 27th Dr), a very busy intersection two lights East of I-17. I was at the scene 2 hours after the precious souls of three bikers were snatched away. I couldn’t stop crying – it was devastating seeing the incinerated bodies still lying under the death truck! We are living in an unconscious world where F—–G idiots like this must be held accountable for their actions! I pray that this murderer gets locked away and severely punished for his irresponsible actions! God help us all!
I’m a retired law enforcement officer and a Harley rider. As an Arizona Highway Patrolman in the sixties and then with the Pima County Sheriffs Office I investigated some bad accidents. I thank God I never had to deal with anything like this. There’s something wrong here! Other vehicles were stopped in front of this truck. Not just bikes. My prayers are with the survivors and the families. Also withe the officers and detectives involved. They will live with this most every day for the remainder of their lives. I hope the families get the best biker lawyers on Earth.
Ironic, I just signed the online petition for “kill a biker go to jail” in the last 2 days. I wonder if he was really texting as they just passed an anti text law for cmv’s. Here’s a youtube video that’s related to these type of incidents. It’s called you didn’t see me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBNyuf533Go
If texting or cell phone was in use ….we will hear about it. I sure hope not. The thought so many lost their lives because of someone not paying attention is chilling.
Apparently the cause is being attributed to the truck driver not controlling his speed as he approached the light.
Driver who hit motorcycle group in north Phoenix has several violations
Thanks for the article Two Story. If I read the article correctly, he was cited two weeks ago for not controlling his speed. I am not sure if I read anything about what he is being charged with now.
I am sure this guy would be in jail in California for what he did. He probably would have lost his Class 1 license in California for all of his priors as well.
My sister has a Harley. We live in Phoenix. Shes ridden with this group.I saw a bumper sticker a couple of years ago and every time I get in my truck I think of that bumper sticker. Keep an extra eye out for motorcycles. This was before she made one of the coolest purchases. Right now I’ve handed out about ten transparencies all of which have images of bikers. They are no bigger than 2 fingers.You can see right through them. Friends are displaying them in their RH mirrors. The idea is to remind people what to be looking for. That sticker I saw moved me.This blatant dis-regard for human life sickens me to the core. Friends have told me that my idea works for them.
What the heck is goin on here in Arizona!? They guy who hit me with his Van, after pullin out right beside me and then deciding he wanted that turn lane on the other side of me, only got cited for failure to control. As a daily rider I see fools in their cages do stupid crap EVERYDAY. Arent we bikers ppl too. Dont we deserve JUSTICE. If this jerk had hit a group of bicyclists or pedestrians there wouldnt be a need for any discussion he would already have been in Jail. 50 to 75 yards he dragged motorcycles and riders, and then hit the SUV in front of them. Seems a tad suspiscious to me. I hope the powers that be realize that this Guys does not deserve the air he is breathing.
This is a very tragic, especially for the biker’s family….
My name is Rebecca Powers and my friends and I live a few blocks from this horrfic accident. We are so moved by these events that we are putting on the “Bid for Bikers” memorial live action and raffle on Sat, April 17th at Harold’s in Cave Creek, Az.100% of the proceeds go to the victims’ families.
Raffle ticket sales begin at 1 pm. The live auction begins at 3 pm. The event address is 6895 e cave creek rd, cave creek Az 85331.
The support from the local businesses has been outstanding! All the gift cards, services, and merchandise have been donated. We have all sorts of motorcycle equipment and Clyde Nachand’s (one of the deceased) ’02 Honda Shadow with only 2400 miles has been kindly donated for our auction.
Any contributions are greatly appreciated. You can reach Mitch Jordan at 623-293-2305 or auctioneer@mitchjordan.com. If you can’t donate, stop by the auction and have some fun! If you can’t make it, the biggest contribution you can make is helping us spread the word! Thank you and God bless!
Theres a difference between a big rig and a local garbage truck. a big rig is a tractor trailer combination. this garbage truck runs around town all day picking up dumpsters and dropping them at a dump site. a tractor trailer combination hauls longer distances within a state and or cross country.if you want to see the difference in their driving follow the garbage trucks around town and watch how they drive. then follow a tractor trailer driver and you will see the difference in the care taken by the drivers. as a truck driver myself for 35 years in a tractor trailer combination cross country I have experienced first hand the way some of these local so called truck drivers drive. if the dept of transp enforced federal laws on the intercity drivers as they do with the cross country drivers you would have a better quality of driver in the city as well as safer equiptment.
@ Don I understand that, I’ve driven since 1999. However, I’m currently out of work, but the media here reported it as a “garbage truck”. I had already read about it from the west coast media.
I knew Dalye V. Downs -Totonchi,
I just want to say that I will miss the ray of light that shown from her! Dayle saved my life 13 yrs ago, she was best friend a man could ever have . David & Dayle will always be close to my heart & mind for the rest of my life. I’m married and have a 10 yr old son – because of her love,they saved me from drugs& sure death, I owe her and Dave my life an will never forget them . I feel sorry for those people who didn’t know her like I did…… Love you sis, and i will see you on the other-side – (save a dance for me !!!!! )My Family, My Friend, and My Love……….. Thanks for the chance to be human once more,I promise to walk the red mans path and to live life like there’s no tommorw……..
i know I am riding up for the Yuma prison run. This makes me sick to my stomach. I could have been any one of us. I deal with motorcycle accidents all of the time. This one is shocking.
I will try to keep track of this story, and I would like to hear from anyone who has any updates as well. If this guy was fishing for papers will driving a multi-ton trash truck then he should at least be charged with gross vehicular manslaughter or 2nd Degree Murder.
MCRIDER01 from Kingman has stated it best. While at a red light on a motorcycle, keep looking in your rear view mirror and plan an escape route. I will add that you should always keep your motorcycle in gear at a red light as well. Many pop the motorcycle into neutral to give their clutch hand a break, to grab a smoke, etc. On a motorcycle, don’t do it. Hell, I even watch my mirror when in a car as well.
In this case, if the group was two abreast in a lane, or even staggered, the people in the pack or in the back did not have a chance. I am sure at least one of them saw this thing coming.
When you are in a group, you can still keep enough distance between you and the rider in front to have an escape route.
In the end, this was a horrible, disgusting nightmare which we can somehow learn from.
I know what you mean Thad. I see some pretty horrendous pictures and injuries helping motorcycle accident victims. I could not imagine having to deal with this type of scene in person. Any normal human being would have flashbacks of something like this for the rest of their lives.
A driver of a Semi Truck knows or should know that their truck can be a very dangerous weapon. That is why at least in California a Class 1 license is required to drive that type of truck. Special physical exams and eye tests are done on all truck drivers. Even 1 moving violation can result in the loss of a class 1 license. We entrust these types of trucks to the very best drivers because they are dangerous. My dad, and my grandpa were both big rig truck drivers.
That is what makes this accident so bad. I have have heard instances of big rigs losing their air brakes, or something like that, but to think that this idiot was shuffling papers does not makes sense to me. You see there were cars in front of a group of 8 bikes and a red light. This guy flat out must have been reading the papers for a good time not to see what was in front of him.
This is murder or manslaughter. I cannot believe that this guy was not arrested on the scene.
I hear you Bill. When I ride through Arizona it gets crazy sometime. Especially on the 40 between Kingman and Flagstaff. The speed limit is 70 or 75, but everyone is doing 100. You better have a motorcycle with more than 883ci on that road or you will get run over.
This is just bs good people n riders lose there live because of some p.o.s that can’t watch what the hell he’s doing! fishing for papers? that’s why they have parking lots dumb azz, you killed people cause of your papers. i ride and that’s my worst fear is to be kill from behind like that. i hope you never get to drive again, lose everything and spend the rest of your sorry live in jail that’s where you belong dirtbag!!!!!!!!!!! joe